Saturday, August 18, 2007

My INFA World

"Exposure to great software, working with elite people, making some real good friends, awesome and awful shots in the TT room, raucous birthday bumps, delicious treats…….Life @ INFA has made me deliriously happy very often in the last two years. And I am sure my stint here has taken me to the next rung in the ladder.

The vicissitude of life has made me take this really difficult decision to move on from a place that has given me so much. I am “revisiting (INFA jargon!!)” school in pursuit of an MS in Computer Science from the North Carolina State University.

"Thanks a Ton” to all of you for the wonderful times and continual help, support and encouragement that has definitely made my time here a pleasant experience.

This is the mail that terminated all my official connections with Informatica Business solutions. My last day at Informatica was more than an eventful one. Backing up all my personal data on the computer and packing up all my INFA memories, that was a first-time experience for me to quit a job and trust me, it was not as easy as I thought it would be when I submitted my resignation. May be, I will get used to it later on in my life, I suppose.

A lot of friends are lost and the perception that was filling my mind was that things are never going to be the same again. As I moved around, thanking and meeting people who shaped my nascent career, people who had put something in my brains, people who were really kind in helping me overlooking my inexperience and people who steered my thinking and energy into meaningful directions, I felt satisfied with the work lessons I have had during my stint @ INFA. I was not sure about who all will still stand to fight another day and now that some days have passed, I feel happy that some are still fighting 

INFA has a tradition of getting together at the cafeteria for sending off people quitting. I was a little overwhelmed to see a lota people at the cafeteria who had come to see me off. But then, I was a little bemused to see a lot of amused faces over there. “ Is everybody happy that I am leaving ? “ Mine was a little different than the other see-offs I have seen. I was brought to the centre of the crowd and was asked to give a speech which was the last thing I wanted to do on that day. I made them understand that my writing skills is a shade better than my speaking skills and got away with that. However I could not escape the ragging session that followed and worse the bumps that I got. (Though only one guy was so interested in hitting me. I found a good enemy in a good friend.). My dumb answers made them disinterested and it was curtains soon with the send off gifts that really overwhelmed me.

It really was a day to savor and moments that I will cherish forever. Thank you guys.

So, what next ? I had clearly envisioned the answer – “My F1 assignment” .

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