With lot of pressure from Arun.... leaving away all my works.. i searched the cartons and i cud get hold of one which has all the albums.... and i found an interesting album which was taken during that mottai trip... the album includes the foto taken on my first bday followed by the trip to mottai.... the album had some really coool fots which i thot will upload and the purpose for my search was also solved.... yes i got a foto of arooooooon's...
before we seee the fotos in the trip lets seee how arooon is in the early 1980's
Here we go..............

Now comes the mottai trip fotos...
First the star of the day....

Now comes a group foto....

wat was i doing when this foto was taken......

The post does not ends here......
i cud also find the fotos of today's oldies in late 1970's.....
the one solo foto which is misssing..... our raja ram's solo foto.....

Here comes Mr. and Mrs Money.....

They cud manage to get the Ariel view of mithila

i also found a foto of varsha in which she is not in dance dress.... no eye liners...no make up....

If someone had thot one star was missing in the whole foto.... its our pranit....How can i miss him though he is in Bahrain???

This ends the fotos.....
november is a super creative month at 9 over 90. Whats up with everybody !!! Ravi... how do u manage those poses !! Notice Kanappa .... U cud have mistaken him for Pranith.
Soum is so excruciatingly cute in all the fotos !! Especially the one in which Nattu mama is carrying her.
After seeing Arun's snap, i realise that he is "born beautiful" :-)) This has been a really busy month for this blog and i greatly admire posts on this.
thanks to karthik my phot6os are not published (except the one in group).
Great compilation Kaki..... Especially Ravis poses and as arun put it Kannan's pose pasted near pranit, extra ordinary........ what kannan?
Ya Ravi----, Arun & also Soum are "born beautiful"
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