We have decided on making this an yearly event and this year’s outcome is a youthful response from Ravi and Dhanya to a challenge thrown on the open by Arun Ram. We hope all of you find this as exciting as we felt compiling this stuff.
‘Momma’s Boy/Girl’ of the Year
Kiki-Jayantee pair was the clear favourite for this one and this was not a difficult one for the judges. The pair has given the family some very sweet memories in the past year and let us see how they handle this burden of this tag in the following year. Neither the “ummas” of Varsha-Santhy nor the special bonding between Sudha and Pranit nor the down-to-earth mom-son behavior of Mohana-Arun could give any competition to Kikee-Jayanti.
‘Momma’s Boy/Girl’ of the Year
Kiki-Jayantee pair was the clear favourite for this one and this was not a difficult one for the judges. The pair has given the family some very sweet memories in the past year and let us see how they handle this burden of this tag in the following year. Neither the “ummas” of Varsha-Santhy nor the special bonding between Sudha and Pranit nor the down-to-earth mom-son behavior of Mohana-Arun could give any competition to Kikee-Jayanti.
‘Noise-maker of the year’
Nothing can be louder than Nattu’s “What’s your plan?”. However Arun deserves a sound applause for his mellifluous emails that made many a great fan of his writings. You have a long way to go dear Jillu.

‘World-Tourers of the year’
Honeymoon in forties…..
Now, the US; Will the next be to the West Indies…..
Swamis walked away with this award for the youthful spirit they show time and again. Can anyone give them some competition please ?

“Dreamer of the year”
Not only a dreamer was Mr.Ramesh especially in the last year. He is that kind of a person who has 25 hours a day and who sleeps only during that extra hour he has. He thoroughly deserves this award. 9over90 wishes you luck with all your ventures.

'Toughest-Decision’ Maker of the Year
Ahem Ahem…..That was a real toughie. Rajanna’s confusions on how to spend HP’s gold pots.And Varsha, who in the family thought she would decide on taking up this profession where she has to talk a lot to strangers. It would be interesting to see if the patients make her talk or she talks on her own. Kaks also had to take some tough decisions regarding his jobs. However, Nattu-Thangam made NEWS and the newsmaker with their decision. 9over90 is just happy about it!

‘Cooker of the Year’
Close competition within the family - I wanted to give it jointly to Chaithan-Ki-Bacha and the five flavored Pani Puri that had satisfied the taste-buds of many in the last year. Jammu’s Fried Rice will always be in the nominations. However, the low-availability did not take it to the distance that it would otherwise. Finally, the judges decided to give this one to Soum despite the fact that she has not done anything great in the kitchen to get her involved into the association’s activities. Everybody feels she seems to be in her own world always.

Santy's reaction to this: "It is a surprise that my tea did not even make it to the list of nominations !! "
Kanjoos of the Year
Arun preference to curd rice over a dinner at BBQ nation and Soum’s frugality with her wallet has been entertaining for the guests to discuss upon. Rajanna’s clever deaf and dumb acts won him this prestigious award.

Fastest Grower of the Year
The famous meeshai of Kittu has been grown by leaps and bounds in the last year giving him the AK-47 tag in the family. This was a clear winner over Nattu’s thoppay.

'Can't keep our eyes off each other'
The secretive 306 love affair ( Ravi’s N70 managed to catch some nice snaps of this couple. Look into the snap below) and Trivandrum’s Romeo-Juliat could not shake Radha Balu from stealing the limelight in the last year.

'News-maker of the year'
Ahem Ahem ….Shweta-Satish has made some fast progress and Jillu never fails to make some news now and then. The winner is an impending entrant into the family and thanks to him for contributing to some hot news that had been flowing through the family in the last year.
“Nayar chayaa….Enjooooy…” !

‘Blunder of the Year’ Award
No other nominations and the winner is Arun Ram !!

And Arun Ram gets a special award "Mr.9over90" for having been making his presence felt in the family throughout the year. Be it be his funny mistakes, Arun Ram's presence has made a big difference in every get-together that we have had in the last year. He has been the favourite chap amongst the elders and the youngsters and his affability deserves a mention at this time of giving away the awards.
Compilers - Ravi and Dhanya

Hope everybody likes the calendar and please use it and then treasure it. Everybody would receive a hard copy soon. Luv ya all.
so here comes the awardee all decked up beautifully up the steps to collect her award and there is some one tagging along, her coawardee. Here goes her speech " I would like to thank all of you for giving me this award....blah blah....."
"awesome, wonderful, nice , gr8, simply superb, lovely, too good, commendable, beautiful,"
I could only think of these many words to compliment the compilers and all the judges.
Congratulations to the compilers
Great job. Especially the usage of the calender.
But I was not slecetd for any award??????
Yes will work hard this year, atleast to win against Arun for "Blunder award"
"Heartiest Congratulations to the winners"
Hai to all,
First of all let me know who decides next year awards so that I would refrain from commenting on him/her. Good U made it even though you are busy looking for a barber all over US (frm North Carolina- Washy-Chicago). Ravi take it easy. I know U will. Please everybody give a good round of applause for Ravi for scoring high in MS semes-1. Hai Dhan , somebody is busy submitting papers bef her wed lock and searching for location for the Ceremony (all are waiting to see how it goes) did this fantastic work.
Kannappa is very very happy about the “UMMAAs” . He himself said it loudly many times, “Santhumma & Varshumma”.
I am very happy to see Annas “THOPPAI” as he always think about sharing concept between hus and wife. As manni is taking care of his accounts he thought I should take care of her weight. Good no?? If kannappa thinks like Anna how good for me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anna please tell your brother when you ask about his plans??
I really congratulate Rameshanna for winning this fabulous award. Nobody can come anywhere near, I guess. Think “There is a lady behind every successful person”. Rameshanna you really are a very hard working person. Sometimes I wonder how you get this much of energy being a vegetarian……
Kannappa recommends a marathon crying award for Varsha. Varshumma , take it lightly don’t start crying.
Ravi & Jillu should have contested for the best chef award. Good to Soumya that
they didn’t take part.
Kannappa is THINKING to make a detailed “project report” sorry blog (as he thinks only about reports nowadays) but I don’t know when it will happen??????
Where is Kaks, hai r u there?? No comments from you??Are you scared by the “Growing Meesai” . Na Na.
Love you all,
Hai all my dear ones
Many many thanks for selecting us as the best/loving couple for the year 2007.
Then our heart felt CONGRADS to the compilers and the judges for the wonderful fantastic work they have done. All the awards have been very perfectly awarded except the one for BEST COOKER. CERTAINLY IT SHGOULD GO TO OUR JAMMU ONLY. NO DOUBT.
Yeah the NEWS MAKER for the year is ARAVIND AND DHANYA. It is really great that before entering into 9 over 90 group, getting an award from them is not so easy. Congrads to ARAVIND.
NOISE OF THE YEAR could have been shared among both NATTU AND JAMMU.That would have been more apt.
The photos with the comment under it really deserves appreciation.
Yeah should do better in the comming year to retain the award with me and also should work hard on other fileds to get some more awards. TRRRRRRRRY MY BEST THOUGH A BIT DIFFICULT ok bye to all. LOVE U ALL
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